i am 17w5d of today. although, I'm a little confused on how far along i am because during my 14 week u/s (which was done on 14w1d), the tech said the 'lil one was measuring at 14w4d. so does this change my due date? Am I actually 18w2d today? i forgot to ask my doctor the last time i saw her. i really need to start making a list of questions. because as soon as I sit there waiting for her in that quiet white room full of baby photos and birth announcements, my mind goes blank. my next appt to see her is june 3. must remember, must remember...
my next u/s is the big anatomy scan u/s - set for tues june 8. i technically could have made the appt for today but they didn't have an opening. i technically can go in next week but i have training all week at work and cannot miss even 1 hour of it. i techically can go the following week, 1st week of june, but the training continues through wednesday and they don't have an opening for any appt on thursday or friday. SO....i am stuck. my big u/s will be done on the 20th week. pregnancy is really testing the very little patience that i do have. the hubs is getting a kick out of seeing me actually not having control of something. after my 20 week u/s, i think i will believe this is really happening.
here is the progress report as of today:
*i have yet to feel the baby move. i think i felt what felt like nerves and butterflies earlier this week but i don't know if it's just all in my head.
*there was some blood in my stool the other day. but i'm not constipated. i go pretty regularly and i'm not miserable. hmmm...is this normal? the blood thing?
*the hubs and my sisters have already started talking about babymoon and shower but i can't even think that far ahead. it freaks me out. what if we book a vacation and something goes wrong? what if we set the shower date and something goes wrong? again, after june 8th, i will actually go out and buy something "baby". maybe the justin bieber record.
*i've been feeling round ligament pain. it's not for long. i could literally feel my stomach stretch.
*i drank cherry coke & ate some (little) salami yesterday. i should hang myself. what is wrong with me!!
*i keep asking the hubs, do i look pregnant? no, for reals...if you just saw me & didn't know me. just be honest. i give him props for not hanging himself first.
*i want the next 2 weeks to fly by but have decided after halfway through the pregnancy, i hope the rest of the 20 weeks or so goes by t...h.......i..............s slow. i know i know, i won't be wishing that for long, but i wish this because i realized these next 5 months are the very last 5 months i get to have with the hubs alone. we won't ever get these days back. ever. i will (hopefully) experience another pregnancy eventually, but we will never be a team of two again. i want to savor every last bit of it.
*i started slathering on bella b tummy butter morning and night. no sign of stretch mark but don't want to risk it.
*i've been sleeping very well, although forcing myself to sleep on my left has been difficult. but as soon as my head hits the pillow, i'm out.
*no breakouts, which i expected would be my biggest issue. haven't had any issue with this since day 1. so to my surprise, my skin looks better than before pregnancy.
*my bff's wedding is next weekend so i'll be busy this weekend helping her. the hubs has offered to drive me up to her place which is 2 hours away. i heart him.
i hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!