Friday, February 26, 2010

final beta

I think if they collected all the blood I had to give these past 16 months, I could've saved a country. Yesterday's blood drawl felt endless!

The doctor called today in the afternoon with news that made the endless blood drawl worthwhile.

hcg = 24,500
progesterone = 38.2

Numbers are right where they should be compared to last week's, doubling on track. And progesterone - we couldn't be happier!

1st u/s is set for next Friday in the afternoon. I could've set it for sooner but I want to buy as much time as I can. I'm dying to see what is inside of me right now but also want to make sure I'm far along enough to see the hb. I will be 6 weeks 5 days next Friday but I have a feeling I might be a couple days more since hcg's so high. Or there's more than 1 little pea in me, but I doubt it since I'm not feeling the full blown symptoms. Will I be happy with twins? Absolutely. Does it run in the family and skip a generation? On both sides of my mom and dad. However, I really truly will be happy with just 1 healthy baby that I can give undivided, unshared, untiring love and time to. One at a time.

My hcg is high but I'm not going to worry and think the worst. That won't change the outcome. Self-torment is unnecessary right now and I just want to trust God and his plan.

I'm hungry. Constantly. But every food that pops in my head makes me sick. The hubs and I just returned from dinner and I wanted to eat everything off the menu but when our food came out, every chew made me sick. I brought most of it back and hopefully can eat it later because I AM STILL HUNGRY! I really don't think m/s has hit me yet. Very mild and definitely not unbearable. But trust me, when it does come, I will be uncomfortable but it will be welcomed with open arms.

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. So happy your numbers are increasing as they should. Can't wait to hear about the first time you see that little heartbeat!!

  2. Friday seems so far away but I pray that you will have a quick and swift work week and you will be kept pre-occupied and busy until then :) Wonderful rising betas - I have a good feeling about this!!
