Friday, February 26, 2010

final beta

I think if they collected all the blood I had to give these past 16 months, I could've saved a country. Yesterday's blood drawl felt endless!

The doctor called today in the afternoon with news that made the endless blood drawl worthwhile.

hcg = 24,500
progesterone = 38.2

Numbers are right where they should be compared to last week's, doubling on track. And progesterone - we couldn't be happier!

1st u/s is set for next Friday in the afternoon. I could've set it for sooner but I want to buy as much time as I can. I'm dying to see what is inside of me right now but also want to make sure I'm far along enough to see the hb. I will be 6 weeks 5 days next Friday but I have a feeling I might be a couple days more since hcg's so high. Or there's more than 1 little pea in me, but I doubt it since I'm not feeling the full blown symptoms. Will I be happy with twins? Absolutely. Does it run in the family and skip a generation? On both sides of my mom and dad. However, I really truly will be happy with just 1 healthy baby that I can give undivided, unshared, untiring love and time to. One at a time.

My hcg is high but I'm not going to worry and think the worst. That won't change the outcome. Self-torment is unnecessary right now and I just want to trust God and his plan.

I'm hungry. Constantly. But every food that pops in my head makes me sick. The hubs and I just returned from dinner and I wanted to eat everything off the menu but when our food came out, every chew made me sick. I brought most of it back and hopefully can eat it later because I AM STILL HUNGRY! I really don't think m/s has hit me yet. Very mild and definitely not unbearable. But trust me, when it does come, I will be uncomfortable but it will be welcomed with open arms.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

gasp! me? an optimist?

Can't explain it. But I just feel good about this. With my last pregnancy/mc, I felt the constant nerves, like I was on eggshells 24/7, just feeling...something wasn't right. Maybe when you've gone through this process a couple of times before, you just become more "comfortable" with it? For all I know - this can end tragically again, but I just ease this time around. I am optimistic. No eggshells.

I'm about 5 1/2 weeks today. Tomorrow is my 3rd and final beta draw before the 1st u/s next week. As for symptoms...maybe I'm still too early? I'm just not obsessing about it as much this time around. Because, I just have a good feeling about it symptoms or no symptoms. Sore, bigger ta-ta's and mild cramps. That's just about it. I do find myself falling asleep on the couch watching TV but I'm not thaaat exhausted where I'm knocked out as soon as I sit. I do feel very mild queasiness during the day. It comes in waves - like every 30 seconds. They last about 10 seconds but not like I want to vomit. I just feel a wee bit gross for a very short period of time but not terrible. And then it goes away and comes back again like 30 seconds later. Is that normal? I've just been shrugging them off as signs of hunger. Oh and hunger! I eat and eat and eat and cannot get full. After 1 huge meal, I turn around and am hungry again!

The biggest difference this time is how at peace I am. I'm not analyzing symptoms and non-symptoms and twisting them around negatively. I'm not consumed by bad feelings. My gut just tells me and puts me at ease. I'm laughing a lot more, I'm stressing out less, I'm not ticked off I have 7 days to count before next beta or u/s. And I couldn't be more grateful for this feeling. Because even if history does repeast itself again this time around, I'm so grateful that God has put me at ease and allowed me to enjoy the ride than tortore myself. Because whether I lose sleep and obsess vs. laughing and enjoying these waiting days, what will happen will happen. Hopefully, only better news to come....

Friday, February 19, 2010

2nd beta

hcg = 3800 (don't remember exactly what the nurse said but i heard "thirty eight hundred..." and that right there just did it for me and was enough...)
progesterone = 25.2

She said they're "excellent" numbers, more than doubled and she is happy to see the progesterone level going up like that.

Now, should I be worried these numbers are too high?

I'm only 19 DPO. Well, I'm just being me - finding things to worry about, so I'm just gonna go into the weekend feeling good about those numbers!

i'm what!

Can you blame me if I'm the most selfish person on earth right now? I choose not to think and care about anything else but me and what is growing in me right now. Is that so wrong?

I know the cardinal rule of not announcing your pregnancy until your 2nd trimester. In fact, for me - I almost want to annuonce it on the date of delivery because I don't know if I'll ever fully 100% be relaxed and relieved and feel out of the woods until then. But I had to break the rule. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I cannot lie. I do not know how to make up a believable story.

My east coast trip next month was planned with my sister, mom and aunt. We were all going to visit Philly/NYC. Plane/train tickets, hotel, itinerary - were all booked and planned. So when my doctor suggested I cancel my trip - what do you think the first thing I thought was? Well, okay the first thing I thought was "Okay, I agree...anything to keep this baby". But the second thing was "what the hell am I gonna tell my sister/mom/aunt?" My sister knows we've been TTC. But she also knows we kind of took a step back and was going to TTC through a specialist after the trip so like me, she did not think I was pregnant this cycle. The only way I could back out of the trip without hurting anyone's feelings, pissing anyone off, or opening up a can of worms was to just be honest. So I made the call to my sister as soon as I got home from the doctor's office.

Me: before anything...don't get mad and I'm really sorry.
Her: Uh...what happened?
Me: I can't go to Philly because...I'm pregnant. (I didn't sound enthusiastic although I was jumping for joy inside - just said it matter of factly because I did'nt want to her to think I didn't care about this trip.)
Her: Oh....well...ok.
Me: (??? What the hell? Is that her way of being happy for me?)
Her: That's great. Congratulations. Sigh. (I swear to you - there was a sigh in there and if not, definite disappointment more than glee)
Me: Of course, I'll still pay you for my plane/hotel portion.

That afternoon - all hell broke loose. I was hurt. So hurt that my own sister was more concerned about the trip being ruined than my health. She said she didn't want to go anymore and that mom and aunt will probably not want to go anymore either. Which basically meant thousands of dollars down the drain because the tickets were non-refundable and transferrable. The hotel was booked using her credit card points and she kept saying how much those points were and how she'll never get them back. She was pulling a guilt trip on me. I just Did.Not.Care. I felt responsible for my cancellation and portion of the trip, but it was HER decision not to go for herself so I felt it was unfair for her to blame me for her loss. I may not go on the trip - it didn't mean she didn't have to. That was HER choice. At the end of the day - I just went off at her and told her that I WILL be selfish and unapologetic about this and anyone in my shoes would do the same. And bottom line was - I didn't care about wasting $600 (I would spend1000x of that for this cause) - I was more hurt and disappointed about my sister's reaction.

Of course, my mom found out. She could not be happier and more concerned for me. She didn't give a rat's you-know-what about this trip and any dollars or points. She wanted me to not be upset anymore, think happy thoughts, stop crying, and just take care of myself. Now - why couldn't my sister be half of what my mom was that afternoon?

So today I throw $600 down the drain and I don't feel that I have nothing to show for it. I have everything to show for it! It will all be worth it.

My sister, mom, and aunt will be making the trip afterall. I just didn't understand why my sister would think the trip is canceled just because I'm not going. But that's how she thinks and I'm not gonna get into that. To be completely honest - I would've felt guilty if everything got canceled, so I'm happy to see they'll still make the trip. Should I have felt and come across apologetic and responsible when I canceled on my sister and begged for mercy? Any other time, yes. But not now. I am going to be selfish for the next few months. I deserve it. I need it.

Now - can I trust my mother to not tell the rest of her world? Not so sure...but I am not going to sit here and worry breaking a sweat about that. I don't want to tell anyone else until maybe week 34, but that's me. What anyone else does - I cannot control.

On another note - I went in for my 2nd beta this morning. I did end up calling my doctor yesterday to push it up to this morning vs. waiting until Monday. So now I'm waiting anxiously for a call from my doctor with the numbers. I thought the 2WW was agonizing. This is worse.

As for symptoms - only sore, wide (that's what The Hubs called them last night) bb's with occasional light, pulling cramps. No food cravings/aversions...yet. Please Lord - bring me pain.

I hope all you ladies enjoy the weekend!!! I hope to share good news next week and even better news in the following weeks. Thank you from the deepest part of my heart for your heartfelt words and support. It means so much more than you know. You're much more supportive than my own sister. Ha! :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

expect the unexpected

I don’t expect be a millionaire. Because apparently, when you don’t expect something, it comes to you.

After my last cycle and another arrival of AF, we stopped TTC. I stopped blogging, I stopped researching, I stopped temping, I stopped everything. I even stopped taking prenatals. I know. How awful. But I did. I just wanted to move on with my life. I hated how TTC took over my life that I stopped…living. I went out with friends and drank cold beer, ate sushi (not the artificial crab crap but real, raw Albacore and Yellowtail)…twice, and get this….I finally booked my tickets to Philly to visit my cousin and train tickets to NYC for a week long trip in March for my 30th birthday. And you think that’s jaw dropping? For Valentines Day, The Hubs and I went to Vegas. I did POAS, just in case, the night we left for Vegas. Negative. 5 days before expected AF, but still…negative. We sat at blackjack tables next to gasp – smokers! It was disgusting but that’s what Vegas is and no way was I pregnant or actively TTC so, eh – I was fine.

Before our Valentines Vegas trip, I went to my OB/GYN for the first time since my D&C last April. The Hubs and I decided to get help. We wanted to see a specialist for tests and possible IUI/IVF treatments. My doctor gave me good advice and a referral and right away, my appt to see Dr. D was made for I thought, we’ll take this Vegas trip and my east coast trip in March and start TTC again with some help.

Lo and behold….

I woke up Tuesday morning at 4:20am with the biggest headache and chills. It’s 80 degrees here during the day now and at worst 50 degrees at night/dusk, and I was bundled up so to be this cold – I didn’t understand. I shivered and The Hubs got extra blanket out for me. I thought I was dying. I fell back asleep thinking “OMG, I cannot call in sick at work after a 3 day weekend! That’s the worst!” I woke up late at 8:00 but there isn’t an exact time I need to be in the office by. Any time between 7:30-9:00 is fine so I felt late but technically wasn’t. I dragged myself out of bed, no longer cold or shivering, but nauseous with the weirdest feeling. I had a few more of those cheap tests left. I decided to POAS. Two lines. Not faint. Very distinct. No flippin’ way! I immediately emailed my manager and told her I wasn’t coming in. And then I realized…wait, why am I not going in? I’m preggo, doesn’t mean I can’t work? Or does it? My brain was racing 300 mph. All I thought was, I have to see the doctor to be 100% sure so forget work for now. I even thought, do I need to go back to bed and just lie there for 10 months? It was 8:30. Doctor’s office doesn’t open for another half hour. With my eye boogers and disheveled hair and sweats, I drove to the pharmacy across the street to buy the “unnecessarily 10x more expensive yet for some reason I will trust more” HPT’s. I quickly came back home and tested again. Twice. Both positive. I didn’t cry, because I knew…this is just the beginning…again.

So now, I sit and wonder…the days I skipped prenatals, the 2 sushi & beer outings, the cocktails in Vegas, the cigarette smoke, the Venti Starbucks on the drive to Vegas…uuhhh…what the hell was I thinking? And I remember…I was just living my life. If this time is the one, then God has planned it that way. If it is not, He’s planned that, too. Not in my control.

Doctor did call yesterday to confirm preganancy and my hcg&progesterone levels. HCG = 716; P= 16. She said it's still very early. I'm exactly 4 weeks 2 days since my last AF so I know I'm not that far along. To even post this blog, I'm nervous because I know this is all way too soon to even say "I'm pregnant". I know I am...but I just can't bring myself to believe it. Doctor has already prescribed progesterone suppositories. She says 16 is normal but would still like to see it higher. My next blood draw is not until Monday. I'm thinking about calling to push it up to tomorrow so I can go into the weekend with a little less anxiety. Although - that's not possible either way. As for symptoms - oh where did the nausea go all of a sudden??? I no longer have it. My bbs are a little bigger and sore but not unbearable.

So - expect the unexpected! I feel very positive though. :)