Friday, March 5, 2010

1st u/s

To keep it short and sweet (and I've gotta run here in a minute for that family dinner)....

126 bpm
.92 crl

I am trying my bestest to stay positive. I don't know that that rate is the strongest, but I also know the baby's heart just started beating and he/she's working hard to beat faster each day while his/her heart muscles form. I'm going to give my baby the benefit of the doubt and encourage it to just beat away. 126 - I've heard/seen higher in others but I'm not disappointed. I love it no matter what.

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. What great news!!!

    I hope you have a fantastic weekend. :)

  2. That is fantastic!!!! Not that I'm an expert - but that seems like a great bpm for 6 weeks!
