Saturday, March 13, 2010

the big three oh

I had a roller coaster of emotions yesterday morning as I exited my 20's, fearing the next number after 29, anticipating the afternoon's u/s, while celebrating (or mourning) it all by being nauseous at my desk. My coworkers knew how much I dreaded this day and didn't hide what they knew by putting up black balloons around my desk. (I've told you before about my office's obsession with balloons...just ridiculous). Yes, a little morbid if you ask me but nonetheless, they weren't completely wrong. I didn't want to be such a grump and think "black" all day though because I didn't want that to set up what will come in the afternoon in the u/s room. I felt like those black balloons were bad omens or something so that made me even more nauseous. And the night before, for the first night in many many nights, I did not suffer the usual nausea. It may have been the 2 plates of pasta I had for dinner and I've read starch is the way to cure nausea. But still, it freaked me out. I thought, oh crap, for sure this is not a good sign.

God gave me the best birthday gift ever. The baby measured exactly 7w6d with 163 hb. I cried tears of joy for the first time during an u/s. There were other types of tears before, but not joy. It had grown so much! I could literally see the difference within a week! I saw what looked like arms! The u/s tech was so sweet (can you believe it - the 2 techs who've seen me so far remember me from last year and what those u/s' were like so they were extra happy for me this time) and explained every little detail I was seeing. That moment, with my legs spread apart in a dark room with a cold wand stuck in my v, I was in pure heaven.

This is the farthest I've come in any pregnancies so I am thankful in so many way. I know I'm still not out of the woods but God has given me a chance at a differenct experience this time around. What lies ahead is unknown but what I felt yesterday and today, cannot be taken away.

On a side note, I'm constipated. I eat and eat but nothing has come out for 4 days now. I want to either throw up or just have 1 good #2 session damn it!


  1. Happy Birthday! I am so happy your appt went well. What a wonderful present!

  2. I'm so glad to hear things went well with the u/s. That probably numbed the birthday sting a little. My 30th is coming up and I hate it. I just keep telling myself "at least I"m pregnant!!" and my obsession with that number goes away a little. Besides, your early 30's are supposed to be the best years of your life. I've heard this from multiple sources. I'm sorry to hear the m/s is being such a b---. What helps me is xtra sleep and saltines. As many saltines as you can stand. Pasta is a good one too! Don't be afraid to ask for zofran if you feel like you can't work, etc. I hated when people would tell me it would all go away by week 12. A) because it didn't, and B) because when you're in that state, puking and crying and hating it and feeling so trapped by it, anything lasting more than a day seems unbearable. But there will be good days, as well as the bad, and it will pass, eventually. Try to focus on what a good sign it is. That helped me a little.

  3. Happy belated! don't know how I missed this post - hopefully by now you've had some relief with a good ol' #2! LOL
